How to use darkest dungeon mods
How to use darkest dungeon mods

> Another EA problem but the final area is LAME. Lairs are cool but I wish there were some more required bosses later on, but thats probably just an EA problem I like the idea of lairs, but all the bosses i've faced so far are super lame, with one just being a copy paste of the fanatic but with fire and another just being the gourmet but a slug. >Not enough areas or enemy variety, this is an EA problem so its not a big deal, but I really hope this isn't it. >Relationships are really bad right now, but that ties into stress a lot as well.

how to use darkest dungeon mods

Inns can relive stress but runs in DD2 are so much longer that without reliable stress heal you're characters are gonna be killing each other by the first inn, and by then the run is irreparable. You need to get plague doctor stress heal in the first inn or else you're run is going to be a nightmare. >Stress is either a joke or you're fucked, and what I mean by that is if you don't have plague doctor or MoA you're fucked. >Battle items are way better than buying 5 of everything before a run and make you need to think about when you use items Stress is now relived at inns with items instead of waiting on a hero to finish fucking whores, abilities only have 1 level but tokens are limited, meaning you have to prioritize what you need more. It does make riposte more broken than it was in DD1 though since it lets you take off tokens super easily Enemies have a lot more buffs to dodge and debuffs to accuracy, meaning instead of hoping you get lucky and hit you actually need to plan ahead to make sure your dmg dealers can get their hits in. >Token system is actually pretty good in action. >Good transition to 3d, I was worried at first but it looks nice in motion

How to use darkest dungeon mods