Fallout 4 more food mod
Fallout 4 more food mod

  • If you don't mind consuming a few rads, supplement with mutfruit.
  • fallout 4 more food mod

  • If you have noodle cup, there's no reason to carry purified water.
  • Noodle cup is the best crop-based option overall.
  • 16 other craftable food items with meat ingredients.
  • vegetable soup (one carrot, one tato, one dirty water).
  • noodle cup (one razorgrain, one dirty water).
  • Of the many craftable food items, only two meet your criterion of being completely crop-based. All of these address hunger only melon also addresses thirst. There are seven farmable crops: carrot, corn, gourd, melon, mutfruit, razorgrain, and tato.
  • HP per Pound: how much healing it provides for the weight (again, not directly needed for your question but useful when choosing between the food options).
  • Rads to hydrate: the total rads required to hydrate a dehydrated character.
  • Rads to feed: the total rads required to feed a famished character.
  • Pounds to hydrate: the total weight required to hydrate a dehydrated character.
  • Pounds to feed: the total weight required to feed a famished character.
  • fallout 4 more food mod

    (Though not essential for this question, I also looked at how many hit points each items heals.) This gives us useful numbers to compare the foods: I also multiplied the food's rads by the number of units required. I slept for 96 hours then I consumed each of 25 foods and 5 beverages until my character's hunger moved from famished to properly fed, and his thirst moved from dehydrated to properly hydrated.įor each food I then multiplied the food's weight by the number of units required.

    Fallout 4 more food mod